Mark Hamill

Mark Hamill


Los Angeles, USA

J.J. Abrams Teases Mark Hamill for ‘General Hospital’ Stint at Oscar Wilde Awards

By Kirsten Chuba

“What can be said about Mark Hamill that Mark Hamill wouldn’t say?,” asked J.J. Abrams on Thursday night when presenting Hamill with an Oscar Wilde Award.

The director went on to tease the “Star Wars” icon for his early role on “General Hospital,” where he played Kent Murray on the 1972 season.

“Who among us can forget how Kent, along with his sister Carol Murray, who were forced to live with their aunt after the death of their father? Just four years later, the nation was thrown into collective confusion when Kent was seen holding a lightsaber,” Abrams joked during his speech. “Yes, we loved Mark in ‘Star Wars’; he was incredible, he and his sister Princess Leia. But the truth is, all we could think was, ‘What about your real sister Carol Murray?’ Mark apparently made a few more ‘Star Wars’ movies, but never returned to ‘General Hospital,’ or as many of us call it, ‘Gen Ho.'”
